Sell Your Heady Item

   Need to sell your item?
          Don't worry we will do everything for you❗️
Send us your item we will inspect, photoshoot, and upload it. It will be for sale for up to 90 days After you have the option to either get the item sent back or continue selling it. While the item is in our possession it will be in a safely locked display inside a protective case to ensure full safety. Item will be fully cleaned. You will pick the price posted, but buyers will be able to make offers at any time you have full right to refuse any offer.
For a fee of 15% (After rig is sold) (100$ fee if taken down 30 days or before 50$ if taken down within 31-89 days) no fee if the rig hasn't sold within 90 days and taken down AND sent back (if sold free will still be charged).
***All rigs received will be opened on the video to prevent misunderstandings caused during shipping***
***Video will be recorded before the item is shipped to ensure the item was sent in 100% condition***
*** We recommend all items must be shipped in a pelican/case we are not responsible for any issues caused during shipping ***
  • Full inspection of item
  • Deep clean & sanitize 
  • Photoshoot of item
  • Instagram post promoting an item  
  • Guarantee item will be up on the website within 48 hours of receiving